Monday, August 13, 2018

from whence you came

I dreamed I was at some sort of show or dinner high up in a building and many people were gathered there, young adults dressed in black and white with black ties and white shirts. Most people were seated around tables, as though there was a dinner going on.

One of the youths stood up, brandished a sword and grinned.

 I sensed trouble.

He yelled, “and now it’s time for my magic show!” Before the guy next to him had time to respond, his right forearm had gotten cut off by a thwack of the sword. “And the next bit!” thwack! The sword came down and took off the poor dude’s other arm. He then proceeded to come around the table and drive the blade of the sword through the gut of my wife (she seemed a bit surprised by the incident but not injured.)

Well, by this point I’d had enough of this so-called “magic show” so I slapped him hard. He let go of the sword, let loose his fists which I simply bypassed, then I picked him up and shoulder pressed him above my head and carried him toward the windows of the high-rise. I was fixing to heave the bastard through the plate-glass and send him plunging to his demise 100 stories below.

All eyes were fixed on me.

Alas—I stopped and looked up at the guy—who was more of a kid than a man. He looked sad and scared.

“You know what? I’m going to ask you a question, and it’s this: what do you think about getting with Jesus? Don’t you think that sounds like a better option than..(I nodded over to the window).

He began to weep. I set him down. That is how the dream ended.

anything new?

under the sun: the bombs were slung into Syria. Interesting how there is suddenly (in 1948) an Israel beginning out of a nearly 2 millennia absence. Interesting how there is still Damascus. Interesting how that place is the hot-spot. Did it not say in Isa. that Damascus will become a ruinous heap when some stuff is about to really go down?

Well—we’ve heard this “shit is about to hit the fan” stuff before. That’s why we live as though the shit is always about to hit the fan, because, on levels and dimensions outside our detection-senses, shit is hitting the fan.

There are third-eye beings, (I am fairly certain they are the Watchers), conniving, blankly staring into our souls and wondering how they can bring about our destruction and how they can set up shop in our coveted dimension/planet. Run a bunch of frequencies at em, ruin their minds with narcotics, Television, utter obsession with sex and the more wild and perverse the better. Keep em tense, keep em nerved up, keep the chemicals coming. spray the skies, drop the hits, flood the airwaves, cast the nets and turn up the white-noise. sucker punch the youth and keep them off guard. lie and then lie some more and keep lying until they have no idea what is a lie and what is truth. make them pay for their own slavery. tell them they can “do as they want” when really they are in a prison yard. inject their children. rape their youth: physically, psychologically, but especially spiritually…Make them think it’s all a joke so they will even view a throat being slit, a bombed-out city, carnage, wreckage with a dark smile. That’s it.

Don’t think about it.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

so I’ve conducted myself accordingly hitherto…

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In the summer of 1992 I had a rather distressing acid trip whereupon my mind was opened-wide and non-human entities barged-in and played hungry-hungry hippo with my brain. Ror some time thereafter, I ran amok. Mostly boozing. But the through-line was that I regularly received some sort of “revelation” that things, as we know it, were soon coming to a head. This "virtual experiment", of which I was part of, had run it’s course. These entities were going to shut it all down and move one to some other fun reality-creation. They were kindly giving me a "heads up". They must've really liked me.

Of course, these "entities" lied quite a bit, because many of these “prophetic data-dumps” they were downloading into my mind never came to fruition.

One of them was that I would be dead by 2002. Unless I am completely misinformed, I trust that one to be completely FALSE.

Another big one which has been pretty close (but no cigar) I received in 1995 where THEY informed me to look for this sign before the END IS AT HAND: Hillary Clinton will be president. So when she ran in 08 I thought: wow—perhaps that is a real prophecy from God Almighty! (As an aside for you who are fans of the lady: I am not saying THEY told me she was going to be the cause of the THE END, just the signal that that the game is almost over.)
Then she was shot down by Smooth Barry.

I shrugged.

Well, tack that one up to more FAKE PROPHECY. More days to add to my existence. I may continue to feed my dog and love my wife. 

But Lo! What’s this? Another run in 2016?! By jove, I perceived the prophecy to be dusted-off and vindicated! Though I somehow had more sense to predict that the race would be much closer than most of the smarmy media pundits on the left were anticipating, I still figured: hey, this is prophecy, baby. Can’t stop what’s already written.

Then: those meddling Russkies stymied God’s Plan!

Nope: what it told me was that I had received yet another dubious prophecy from the enemy camp.

THEY were telling me what THEY had planned. But THEY are not really in charge.
Yes: back in 1995 to predict Hillary would be even running for president in the 2000’s was indeed fairly prescient. I recall nary a person positing such possibility.
But: like a good counterfeit: close by the adversary is no match for spot-on by the great IAM.
So I have conducted myself accordingly, assuming that shit was going to hit the fan sometime around NOW, and thus far, we are still here.

No one know the day nor the hour. But keep that head on a swivel.