Saturday, February 21, 2015

to think aloud in a place where the silent majority operate

the invisible realm is more prevalent than the visible- that means more things exist that we cannot see than do: yet we take stock in the facade, the seen, the mere image of reality – not the inherent, essential truths that are therein.

the lie is big, babies, so big that you can’t even see it because you cannot believe that something so big could be a lie. It’s like finding out your family is an alien entity that has commandeered your mind and imprinted this visual world upon you so they can feed off your psyche, or that the entire universe is a virtual simulation operation (it is, by the way).

so many lies have been bought by the general population that we do not want to admit that we’ve been utterly taken, bamboozled, swindled – so we buy more into the lie – thus helping to perpetuate it.

we learn to love the lie – so much so we have award ceremonies dedicated to the craft of the lie.

we vote for the lie.
we observe and imitate and teach our children about it.
we write entire volumes of histories based upon it.
we master it.  we spread it. we cook it up.  we paint it white, we sell it, we dish it out, we appreciate those that are good at it, we even make it seem that it’s ok (in some situations)...

we ennoble it, esteem it, worship it.  we glorify the prince of it, and we take it to our grave.  we accept it, want it, feel uncomfortable if someone attempts to shatter it.  we crucify those that expose it, and we rarely face it.

the lie is gargantuan – grown as big as the universe itself because we have fed it with our souls...and this lie is not too big to fail - it is too big not to fail...

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